Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, Ingrid Mertig and Georg Woltersdorf (from left to right) head three collaborative research centres at the Institute of Physics.
© Michael Deutsch
26.04.2018 in Featured, Research

Halle’s Physicists on a Pathway to Success

Knowledge transfer is only successful when it is coupled with excellent basic research. The staff at the Institute of Physics are doing just that. The institute is not only home to three collaborative research centres (CRC) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and one Alexander von Humboldt professorship. Its researchers have excellent international ties and have regularly attracted notice through articles published in renowned journals. Read more

Hartmut Leipner (right) and enspring employee Robert Schlegel examine a new sample coating.
© Michael Deutsch
26.04.2018 in Featured, Research

Entrepreneurs perfect the solid-state battery

Employees at enspring GmbH on the Weinberg Campus are on the lookout for the ideal material for capacitors and lithium-ion batteries. They are able to take advantage of the excellent working environment and the university’s scientific expertise. Falk Lange, a PhD student at MLU and the founder of enspring, now also wants to gain a foothold in China. Hence, the story of enspring GmbH is also the story of basic researchers who have become business people active on the international stage. Read more

For their project, Martin Kühnel, project leader Martin Grunert, Matthias Hambrock and Andrea Thiele (left to right) use historical sources, which have been taken from different archives and libraries.
© Michael Deutsch
23.04.2018 in Science, Research

Letters from the belligerent spirit

There is barely another name which is so strongly associated with the German Early Enlightenment than that of Christian Thomasius. The work of the professor, who once taught in the City of Halle, has already been the subject of much academic work. The first volume of his letters has now been completed. Looking at this volume, it becomes clear that it is only by considering these historical sources, that we can understand the world and the essence of the argumentative jurist. Read more

Members of "Tri-Sustaine" during their first workshop in Tanzania
© Norbert Arnold
04.12.2017 in Science, Research, International News

Project on medicinal plants in Africa: first workshop in Tanzania

Approximately 80 per cent of African residents seek out traditional medical professionals in case of illnesses. The healers often use medicinal plants that they have collected for treatment. Evaluating the pharmaceutical potential of those plants is the main objective of the international research project “Tri-Susain”, led by Martin Luther University. The first workshop of the project took place in November in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. Dr Lucie Moeller from the University of Halle reports about the event. Read more

Werner Helsper (left) and Heinz-Hermann Krüger head the DFG research group.
© Maike Glöckner
13.10.2017 in Featured, Research

"Posh schools" versus "Schools for the poor"

A good education is the key to success. That is why parents look for the best schools for their children, and principals make every effort to ensure that their school enjoys a good reputation. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) funded research group 1612 "Mechanismen der Elitebildung im deutschen Bildungssystem" (“Mechanisms of Elite Formation in the German Educational System”) based at the University of Halle has been investigating the extent of these developments and their impact on society since 2011. In an interview, the group's spokespersons Professor Werner Helsper and Professor Heinz-Hermann Krüger summarise selected results. Read more

IPBES develops first global biodiversity assessment.
© Chinnapong/Fotolia
10.10.2017 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

World biodiversity council: Researchers from Central Germany actively involved

Every year, many animal and plant species all over the world become extinct. As yet, we know very little about the exact extent, the reasons for this and the consequences for the ecosystems, humankind and the world. Within the scope of the world biodiversity council IPBES, researchers from all over the world are working on a first global assessment and solutions for stopping this biodiversity loss. Many researchers of Martin Luther University are actively involved with this international platform. Read more

Courtyard of the former Leucorea University in Wittenberg
© Manuela Bank-Zillmann
23.03.2017 in Featured, Science, Research

Luther’s Leucorea: Research in Wittenberg

Where Martin Luther once taught in Wittenberg, researchers today are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to study the history and effects of the Reformation. Two research projects, funded by the State of Saxony-Anhalt, are examining these topics at the Leucorea Foundation at the University of Halle. Read more

Burkhard Schnepel erforscht das Gebiet des Indischen Ozeans.
© Michael Deutsch
14.03.2017 in Research, Science

Indian Ocean Studies: ideas that travel

Globalisation isn’t new. It effectively started in the 16th century. Back then, sailors navigated the Indian Ocean and the world’s other seas. This was accompanied by active trading: traders brought with them goods, languages and ideas. All of these influences are examined today as part of the study programme “Indian Ocean Studies” and represent some of the aspects social anthropologist Professor Burkhard Schnepel is investigating. He has created a unique network in Halle in partnership with the Max Plank Institute for Social Anthropology. Read more

Manja Hussner, Christian Tietje and prorector Elchin A. Khalafov of the Baku State University
© privat
02.01.2017 in Research, Science

New cooperation project between the University of Halle and Azerbaijan

How does a country successfully navigate the transition from a planned economy to a global market economy? What does such a profound transformation mean for the country’s legal system? A new research unit at the Institute of Business Law and Economic Law at the University of Halle will be working on these questions starting in 2017. The Volkswagen Foundation is providing 560,000 euros in support of the project on the legal transformation in Azerbaijan, which also aims to modernise teaching and research activities in the country. Read more

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