Custodian Michael Ruprecht and Susann Fritsche packing a rector’s sceptre that was included in the Luther exhibitions “Here I stand…”, staged at three venues in the United States from October 2016 to January 2017.
© Michael Deutsch
21.09.2016 in Miscellaneous

Luther's legacy

“How soon ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’!” Half a millennium ago, the eloquent reformer Martin Luther probably spoke like this to anyone he found wasting precious time. Today, the Wittenberg scholar and author of the 95 theses would certainly have no need to use such words of warning. In fact, he would have nothing but praise for the staff at his alma mater in 2016 who are busy preparing the celebrations marking the 500-year jubilee of the Reformation. Read more

Detail of the Sauer organ
© Maike Glöckner
07.07.2016 in Miscellaneous, People

Wolfgang Kupke plays the university organ

The Sauer organ will now be resounding throughout the main assembly hall more often: In July, university organist Professor Wolfgang Kupke and the University of Halle’s Association of Friends and Sponsors (VFF) hosted the first in a series of concerts that will place the precious instrument firmly back on the university’s musical agenda. Read more

In 1992 Rector Günther Schilling (right) bestowed the title of Honorary Senator on Hans-Dietrich Genscher for his commitment to the University of Halle.
© Uni Halle
12.05.2016 in Miscellaneous, People

"Genscher helped open doors"

Hans-Dietrich Genscher began his law studies at the University of Halle in 1946. Until his death in late March 2016, the former German foreign minister and famous son of Halle maintained a close relationship with his alma mater. He was particularly active on behalf of the university in the years after German Reunification in 1990. The rector at the time, Professor Günther Schilling, reminisces about an extraordinary politician and his achievements on behalf of the university. Read more

From historical manuscripts to digital databases: Stephan Feller (left) and Stefan Artmann sit down for a chat in the ULB’s Hungarian Library.
© Michael Deutsch
07.04.2016 in Featured, Miscellaneous, Research, Science

Making science freely available: Open access publishing

The open access movement began 15 years ago. Prof. Stephan Feller, a molecular biologist, and Dr. Stefan Artmann, a private lecturer in philosophy, discuss how it will change science in 2016 and the opportunities and challenges that will arise as a result of its development into an open exchange of specialist publications. It is a topic that occupies both men. Feller is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Open Access Journal “Cell Communication and Signalling”. Artmann, who heads up the presidential office at the Leopoldina, is a member of the working group “Open Access”, part of the priority initiative “Digital Information” of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany. Read more

Dr. Manja Hussner, Head of International Office
© privat
16.02.2016 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous, Research, Campus, Science

University strengthens links with China

2015 has been a busy year for relations between China and Halle. The first Chinese language teacher provided by the Confucius Institute in Beijing has been working at the University of Halle since this April. In May, the University of Halle and the Beijing University of International Business and Economics sealed a partnership. And through the Panda Programme, the University of Halle was represented at the largest education fairs in China. Read more

Still deserted at the time this photograph was taken: Halle University’s newest campus.
© Markus Scholz
13.10.2015 in Miscellaneous, Featured

Steintor-Campus: All moved in

Winter semester saw classes start up on the Steintor Campus for the first time. The campus is Halle University’s fourth largest after University Square, the Francke Foundations and Weinberg Campus with its nearby hospital. The idea of concentrating all of the humanities and social sciences departments in one location has been 15 years in the making. Read more

“The collections are so valuable that they could not be replaced in the event of loss,” says Professor Rüdiger Schultka.
© Maike Glöckner
18.06.2015 in Miscellaneous

Meckel Collections classified as national cultural asset

As of 2015, the University of Halle holds six national cultural assets – more than any other institution in Saxony-Anhalt. The Meckel Collections of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology were included in the database in June this year. The collections contain skulls, organs, skeletons, and much more. Some 8,000 objects are stored in individual glass containers as wet or dry preparations and displayed in large glass cabinets. Read more

The aim of the Newcomers’ Club is to help new employees gain a foothold at Martin Luther University. Something similar is already on offer for graduates and undergraduates.
© Josefine Alarich
03.12.2014 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous

Welcome to the club: a network for newbies

Employees and professors who are new to Martin Luther University don’t get a freshers party - at best, they are actively supported at their work place. However, at the end of the workday, these newcomers usually have to fend for themselves. This is now set to change. In November, 25 members of the university founded the Newcomers’ Club. Read more

Von 80 Eigentümern erhielt die ULB Rückgabeaufforderungen.
© Maike Glöckner
19.11.2014 in Miscellaneous

A mammoth undertaking

Libraries had 20 years to check their holdings for books that had been taken into their possession as a result of expropriations in the context of post-WWII land reform – with the goal of returning such books to their rightful owners. That period ended in late November. The University and State Library (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, ULB) lost thousands of books but also acquired new partners. Read more

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