Michael Böttcher
© Universitätsmedizin Halle
09.10.2024 in Campus, Miscellaneous

Settling in better: relaunch of the “Newcomers Club”

The university wants to help new staff and faculty members from all over the world settle in better. Being new to Halle, they often lack social networks. The “Newcomers Club”, a programme that once existed and is now being revived, is set to change this. Assistant Professor Michael Böttcher is committed to revitalising the programme – and the first club meet-up has already been scheduled. “campus halensis” spoke to him about the programme. Read more

Small stubs of paper with quotations await visitors at the entrance to the Klopstockhaus.
© Jürgen Meusel
02.10.2019 in Knowledge Transfer, Study and Teaching, Campus

A house full of scholars

People used to write down what moved them, in books, letters and other texts. But how do you show their thoughts and feelings in an exhibition? Students of literary scholar Dr Christiane Holm have devoted themselves to this question – and in doing so revived the Klopstockhaus in Quedlinburg. Read more

Georg Theunissen is committed to an innovative scientific approach to autism in Germany.
© Michael Deutsch
09.10.2018 in Science, Campus, Study and Teaching

Taking into account the perspectives of those affected

Prof Georg Theunissen holds the only chair of pedagogy for autism in the German-speaking world. He is committed to an innovative scientific approach to the topic in Germany. Autistic people in Germany are still discriminated against and excluded rather than respected and included. This is not only due to widespread ignorance, but also to the fact that the perspectives of those affected are not as much in the foreground as in the USA, Canada or Australia. Read more

16.10.2017 in Campus, Study and Teaching, Featured

The Centre for Teacher Training celebrates ten years as a contact point for student teachers

This year the Centre for Teacher Training (ZLB) at the University of Halle is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. JLB’s annual meeting on 15 November will devote itself to the anniversary and its theme will be “Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Training”. In an interview, the centre’s director Professor Thomas Bremer and its managing director Dr Marie-Theres Müller look back at the centre’s inception and discuss its future tasks. Read more

Rector Aram Simonyan (left) presents Rector Udo Sträter with a traditional Armenian wooden vase during his visit in June.
© Michael Deutsch
12.10.2017 in International News, Campus

A connection with history

A partnership between the University of Halle and Yerevan State University (YSU) has been in place for ten years. In June, the two universities extended this cooperation agreement. Now the aim is for students and PhD candidates to be more intensively involved in the academic exchange programme – for example in the Faculty of Theology. Read more

Eingefärbt sind die Länder, in denen die Universität Halle Hochschulpartnerschaften hat: Äthiopien, Argentinien, Armenien, Australien, China (4), Frankreich (2), Indien, Israel (3), Italien (4), Japan (6), Jordanien, Kanada, Korea (Republik), Kuba, Mauritius, Mongolei, Österreich, Oman, Peru, Polen (6), Ruanda, Rumänien, Russland (7), Slowakei (2), Spanien, Sudan, Südafrika (2), Syrien (2), Ungarn, USA (5)
16.01.2017 in Study and Teaching, Miscellaneous, Campus

Two new university partnerships in Italy and Poland

Effective this year, the University of Halle has two new partner institutions, one in Poland and one in Italy. In August, a cooperation agreement was signed with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan, and the Universities of Halle and Warsaw entered into a contract for a partnership in October. Martin Luther University now maintains close teaching and research ties in the form of university partnerships with 62 higher education institutions worldwide. Read more

More and more exams at the University of Halle are being taken on computers.
10.01.2017 in Study and Teaching, Campus

More money for digital teaching

Equipped with around 6.5 million euros, the centre for multimedia teaching and learning (LLZ) will continue its work in April 2017. The funding will be made available until 2020 as part of the joint Federal-State programme “Quality Pact for Teaching”. Since it was established in 2012, the LLZ has already supported more than 450 projects to digitalise teaching at the University of Halle. The centre moves into the second stage of funding with a new director and a new working group. Read more

Die Türkisch-Deutsche-Universität wächst: Während die ersten Universitätsgebäude (im Hintergrund) bereits genutzt werden, wird an vielen Lehrgebäuden noch gebaut.
© Martin Klein
08.12.2016 in Campus, International News

A new connection with Istanbul

When Henning Rosenau, a professor of law, received his appointment to teach in Halle in 2015, he also brought with him his longstanding involvement in supporting the Turkish-German University (TDU). Martin Luther University is a member of the German consortium and, since February, has been supporting TDU in developing the new university, which was founded by the two nations in Istanbul in 2010. Two economists from Halle are now involved as well. They believe the German-Turkish exchange is more important than ever, especially in light of the tough political situation in Turkey right now. Read more