In addition to city books, such as the “Hallische Kämmereibuch” 1451 – 1541 (in the background), historians also find notices like the “Gesatzte belonunge der widder kauff briue Anno etc. Decimo” – an “ordinance on the level of interest on loans” from 1510 which was probably publicly displayed on or in the town hall.
© Maike Glöckner
29.09.2016 in Research, Science

The memory of a city

How did the people of a Medieval city organise their living? How did the council rule? How did they punish environmental offenses? These and much more information can be found in the laws, protocols and letters of the administration. Since the 13th century those things were written down in city books. A team, headed by historian Professor Andreas Ranft and Dr Christian Speer, can finally make these books accessible to research thanks to funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Read more

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