Emilie Wegner is confident about her legume snacks.
© Maike Glöckner
30.04.2019 in Featured, Knowledge Transfer

Peas with a twist

At first glance, legumes are not necessarily what one would call hipster food. Their image fluctuates between cosy home-cooked meals and flatulence – without merit, counters Emilie Wegner. A graduate of MLU, the nutritionist has now founded her own company called “Hülsenreich”. She will begin producing tasty snacks from this underestimated local produce. Her project has already won a award. Read more

Robert Szczesny is cycling around the campus for the Transfer and Start-up Service.
© Markus Scholz
23.04.2019 in Science, Knowledge Transfer

The biologist and the inventors

His work covers questions relating to the protection of intellectual property and relating to scientific inventions: Dr Robert Szczesny works in the restructured “Transfer and Start-up Service” unit at the university. To help with this, the 41-year-old has even taken up another course of study himself. Read more

IPBES develops first global biodiversity assessment.
© Chinnapong/Fotolia
10.10.2017 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

World biodiversity council: Researchers from Central Germany actively involved

Every year, many animal and plant species all over the world become extinct. As yet, we know very little about the exact extent, the reasons for this and the consequences for the ecosystems, humankind and the world. Within the scope of the world biodiversity council IPBES, researchers from all over the world are working on a first global assessment and solutions for stopping this biodiversity loss. Many researchers of Martin Luther University are actively involved with this international platform. Read more

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