From left to right: Selma Gago Zachert, Torsten Gursinsky and Sven-Erik Behrens are collaborating on the project.
© Heiko Rebsch
11.06.2024 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

A profile for the cell police

Farmers around the world apply four million tons of chemical pesticides onto their fields each year. A team of MLU researchers has been trying to put a stop to that using specially developed vaccines. The scientists now want to transfer their research from the laboratory to agricultural practice. Read more

Europasaurus accompanied by some pterosaurs
© Joschua Knüppe
28.04.2021 in Featured, Science, Knowledge Transfer

Time travel

Research presented in an unusual way: A graphic novel depicts how the dinosaur Europasaurus lived 154 million years ago. The book is also based on excavations by a scientist from the University of Halle. Read more

Robert Paxton and Tabea Streicher place a temperature sensor in the beehive.
© Markus Scholz
22.04.2021 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

Do sick bees buzz differently?

In a Europe-wide project, researchers are trying to find out when a bee colony is doing well. Prof. Robert Paxton's team is testing a digital beehive for this purpose. The weight, temperature and sounds of the colony will tell beekeepers the condition of their animals via an app. Read more

The emissions scandal is not only a matter for consumers and courts, but also the research community.
© Nady /
07.10.2020 in Science, Knowledge Transfer

The market value of morality

Over the past few years, legal expert Professor Kai-D. Bussmann and his colleagues, Andreas Schroth and Sebastian Oelrich, have been investigating how corruption can be prevented in business. They have introduced a new tool to improve corporate culture and are even launching a start-up for the project. Read more

The three founders -  Andreas Simon, Marcus Böhme  and René Wartner (from left) - conduct research at the university’s new Protein Centre.
© Maike Glöckner
06.05.2020 in Featured, Science, Knowledge Transfer

Enzyme adhesive for combating cancer

René Wartner, Andreas Simon and Marcus Böhme have developed a technology that can be used to treat tumours with pinpoint accuracy. Their enzyme adhesive should allow toxins to bind to antibodies and be transported in a targeted way to cancer cells. The three biochemist entrepreneurs plan to market their idea. Read more

Ines Bose (left) and Stephanie Kurtenbach analyse recordings in the studio.
© Michael Deutsch
24.03.2020 in Science, Knowledge Transfer

Talking to children

Speech scientists at the University of Halle have been working with local nurseries for several years to analyse language development and promote everyday communication. Their aim is to research, teach and transfer knowledge at the same time – a win-win for all concerned. Read more

Small stubs of paper with quotations await visitors at the entrance to the Klopstockhaus.
© Jürgen Meusel
02.10.2019 in Knowledge Transfer, Study and Teaching, Campus

A house full of scholars

People used to write down what moved them, in books, letters and other texts. But how do you show their thoughts and feelings in an exhibition? Students of literary scholar Dr Christiane Holm have devoted themselves to this question – and in doing so revived the Klopstockhaus in Quedlinburg. Read more