All 17 goals in view

Sustainability in research: an initial overview

A new atlas is the first to show how the university is fairing in terms of scientific work on sustainability issues. It has been created under the leadership of the Rectorate's Sustainability Officer Prof. Dr. Michael Stipp and the Sustainability Office with Frederik Bub. >> read more
“Social cohesion begins in the daycare centre”
Daycare groups, especially in cities, are nowhere near as diverse as the population structure in the surrounding community. Why is that and what does it mean? Education professor, Dr Johanna Mierendorff, talks about the findings of her research project “Preschool provision and segregation”. >> read more
Cooperation on an equal footing

A lightning smart idea?

Physicists from the MLU and the start-up NORCSI are working on a new generation of lithium-ion batteries. They want to make them much more powerful through the use of silicon. >> read more